Monthly Archives: July 2012

Play dough!

Play dough!

The Knoxter has always been a bit handsy. And recently, even more so. Just the other day my dinner was served, and just as I was thinking “I need to move that away from his range” his hand was already tilting the bowl from the table.

The speed seems to indicate an instinctive action rather than something planned. Like one of those alligator attacks you see on National Geographic. It boggles the mind what this kid is capable of.
Anyway, I figured that it would be a good idea to have him play with some playdough, maybe preoccupy him for a good half hour, please hopefully mommy dreams. So I looked up edible playdough and found several recipes on line.

I decided to make Jell-O playdough, but skipped on the Jell-o (having none). This was the recipe:

Jell-O Play Dough

1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
1 cup water
1 tablespoon oil
2 teaspoons Cream of Tartar
1 (3-1/2 oz.) package “unsweetened” Jell-O

Mix all ingredients together and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until consistency of mashed potatoes. Let cool and knead with floured hands until dry. Store in fridge.

Et voila!

I love the texture… slightly grainy (from the salt) and easy to clean up. The cool thing is that it smells like the playdough from my childhood! Suppose it was the cream of tar tar? I can totally envision adding food coloring to this~ Although it is supposedly ‘edible’, I’m pretty sure no sane kid would be eating it, not even Knox! It tastes horrifically salty!

I guess he’s a bit too young to get the concept of imaginative play with playdough. Knox prefers crinkly stuff, like this really cool Japanese fake newspaper toy that has a crinkly sheet inside. Though even more than that… he prefers mommy on the floor, playing with him =.=”


Perhaps I should bring out the playdough another time… or better yet, have HIM make it!

Btw, does anyone notice how kids aren’t really interested in toys? Like the really colorful multifunction multimaterial fabulous dazzling EXPENSIVE toys that are much coveted? Yes Knox may be preoccupied for a while but when it comes down to it, he prefers watching me, seeing what I’m doing, and getting all handsy in my business.

Which is normal. Which should be normal. I’ve always believed children have this strong desire to be helpful. Unfortunately, I cannot think of what sort of task that may need doing that can involve the deep incoordination of child who has yet to walk (and who sticks everything in his mouth). So for now, toys are his practice material. And if you’re a new parent, don’t believe the hype about all the multi-function toys that will baby sit your kid. They Will Not. You’re much better off with an empty soda bottle – they much prefer handling something that you’ve ‘played’ with.

Or something you’ve made, such as: a ball with bells inside, a rattle with beans, a hedgehog, or another sibling ; )



More interested in other toys

DIY baby Bedrail with swimming noodle

For the sanity of us all, Knox nurses to sleep with us. This means bedrails. I read somewhere that swimming noodles are suitable for stuffing under the bedsheet, so got one from Toys ‘R Us. Unfortunately, it kept rolling out of position, and when Knox rolled over, it didn’t save him. Thank goodness we had a pillow on the floor, just in case.

So Mike had this absolutely brilliant idea – and it didn’t cost us anything more! He just bent some hangers and used them as guard rails for the swimming noodle. Now it doesn’t roll off the edge at all!


Slope the noodle creates


Where there is a will (to be cheap), there is a way!



最近看到一個很棒的翻譯,在此分享一下:)哺育母乳和其他食物(Breastfeeding and Other Foods)
Dr. Jack Newman
母乳是六個月之前寶寶所需唯一的食物,除非特殊的情況下,在寶寶6 個月左右之前,
“靠在乳房上”和吸到母乳是有所不同的。寶寶必須把乳房含得很好,他才能吸吮到乳房中已有的、足夠他需求的奶水。假如含乳已經改善,加上乳房擠壓﹙單 張#15 擠壓乳房﹚仍不能讓寶寶吃到母奶時,如有醫療上的需要可以由哺乳輔助器給予補充品﹙單張#5 哺乳輔助器﹚。如果寶寶肯吸乳房,以哺乳輔助器補充食物,比手指餵食或以杯子餵食好,比使用奶瓶更是好太多太多了。但是要記住,一開始讓寶寶先含好乳房, 這樣大部分的情況都不再需要補充品。


母乳不含很多維生素D,但還是有一些。我們必須瞭解這是自然本意,而不是進化的錯誤。事實上,母乳是少數含有一些維生素D 的天然食物之一。寶寶在胎兒時期即儲存維生素D,因此出生後就算不補充維生素D,仍可維持健康,除非孕婦在懷孕時期即缺乏維生素D。在加拿大和美國,孕婦 缺乏維生素D 的情況很少發生﹙在台灣則更罕見﹚。即使是冬天或陰天時,到戶外曬曬太陽,寶寶即可獲得維生素D。一週一小時到戶外曬太陽,即使只露出臉,你的寶寶即可獲 得足夠的維生素D,冬天也一樣。
在一些特殊情況下,可謹慎地給寶寶維生素D。例如,無法讓寶寶照到太陽紫外線(例如,冬天在北加拿大,或是從不帶寶寶至室外),在這樣的情況下,可能就要給寶寶維生素D,但維生素D 滴劑是昂貴的。

母乳比配方奶(特別是那些高鐵的奶粉)含較少的鐵質,事實上,這是給寶寶額外的保護以對抗感染,因為有許多的細菌需要藉著鐵質以繁衍。母乳的鐵質很適於寶 寶的利用(50%被吸收),而不利於細菌的利用,母乳哺育的足月寶寶在出生至6 個月前不需要額外的鐵劑。然而,在寶寶6 個月之後應補充含鐵的食物。

固體食物﹙請看單張 開始餵食固體食物﹚
正常的母乳寶寶在6 個月之前不需要固體食物;假若我們評估他們體重的增加和鐵質的情況,很多寶寶在9 個月左右仍不需要固體食物。可是,有一些寶寶假若沒在7-9 個月前給固體食物,在學習接受固體食物上將會有很大的困難。同時因為6 個月大的寶寶很快需要額外的鐵質來源,所以一般建議在約6 個月左右添加固體食物。有些寶寶在5 個月時,面對你吃的食物時會表現出極高度的抓取興趣,這時候沒有理由不允許他們開始抓食物、玩食物或把食物放到嘴巴,甚至是吃下去。
醫生習慣建議一開始先給寶寶米、麥糊然後再添加其他的食物,可是6 個月與4 個月大的寶寶是很不同的。在6 個月時給米、麥糊,許多寶寶並不喜歡。不要強迫寶寶去吃米、麥糊,給他其他的食物。假如你非常想要寶寶吃米、麥糊,等他大一點再試。假若他仍然拒絕,不必 擔心他會錯過一些東西或營養,因為米、麥糊並沒有很特別,即使寶寶沒有攝取也不會有大礙。無論如何,寶寶或許很快的就能吃麵包或其他麵食。寶寶獲得額外鐵 質的最容易方法則是給他吃肉。沒有充分的理由建議一週只能給寶寶一種新食物或是說先給蔬菜再給水果。不用擔心水果太甜,因為母乳的味道也是甜的。6 個月的寶寶可以吃大人所吃的東西,只要搗碎即可。若能夠以輕鬆的心情餵食,則很少會發生餵食的問題。

母乳、牛奶、配方奶、外出工作和奶瓶﹙請看單張 當媽媽工作不在家時,該讓寶寶吃些什麼?﹚
4 個月以上的母乳寶寶,如果之前沒有習慣用奶瓶,現在也不太可能要使用奶瓶。事實上,之前用奶瓶的寶寶,此時也可能決定不想用了,這並沒有什麼不好。在寶寶 6 個月時或更小一點,寶寶可以開始學習使用杯子,通常在7-8 個月時就可以用杯子喝得很好。假若母親在6 個月時回到職場,也不需要開始用奶瓶或配方奶,在這樣的情況下,固體食物可以在6 個月之前給予(4 個月或5 個月時),如此當媽媽工作不在時寶寶可以用湯匙吃大部分的食物或液體。當他逐漸長大,寶寶更可以常使用杯子來喝東西,如此你們可以不用到奶瓶。假如寶寶拒 絕用奶瓶,不要使寶寶挨餓來強迫他用奶瓶。寶寶並不固執,只是不知道如何使用人工奶嘴,他也可能不喜歡配方奶的味道,這些都是可瞭解的。最近有許多討論說 寶寶在9 個月大之前不能給他們喝牛奶,但這對母乳寶寶來說並不一定適用。母乳寶寶在6 個月之後可以開始喝一些牛奶,特別是那些已經開始吃大量各類固體食物的寶寶。羊奶也是選擇之一。許多寶寶不喝配方奶,因為他們不喜歡配方奶的味道。事實 上,母乳寶寶不需要添加其他來源的奶水,即使寶寶一天只偶而吃幾次,就可以從媽媽乳房上得到足夠的奶水。

在這個情況下以奶瓶給配方奶不但沒有好處,而且可能有一些壞處,如果寶寶好像無法從乳房得到足夠的奶水,即使已經4 個月大了,也可能會開始喜歡用奶瓶﹙如果他接受奶瓶﹚。在

如有疑問,請email到drjacknewman@sympatico.ca給Jack Newman ,或breastfeeding@sympatico.ca給Edith Kernerman,或翻閱書籍:Dr. Jack Newman’s Visual Guide to Breastfeeding (在美國稱作 The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers) ,或是看我們的 DVD: Dr. Jack Newman’s Visual Guide to Breastfeeding,或The Latch Book and Other Keys to Breastfeeding Success,或L-eat Latch & Transfer Tool,或 the GamePlan for Protecting and Supporting Breastfeeding in the First 24 Hours of Life and Beyond。請看我們的網站,如要預約請email到,或打以下電話416-498-0002。
單張 擠壓乳房, 2008年5月修改
1995-2005 Jack Newman, MD, FRCPC撰寫及修改2008年 國際泌乳顧問Edith Kernerman及Jack Newman, MD, FRCPC c 修改只要在不違反WHO國際母乳代用品銷售守則下,可以不需經過進一步的許可,列印或發送本單張。
翻譯:郭素珍 高美玲 審稿:謝璧光

Myths of Breastfeeding by Dr. Jack Newman